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<title>My Weather Data</title>

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    <!-- ##### Header ##### -->

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    <div id="header">
      <h1 class="headerTitle">
        <a href="./index" title="Browse to homepage">My Weather Data  </a>
        <div class="headerTemp"><h0><span class="doNotPrint">
		%Currentsolardescription% &nbsp; %temp%</span></h0></div>
<!-- ##### CHANGE  location to your location, avoid abbreviations ##### -->

      <div class="subHeader">
       my location


      <div class="subHeaderRight">Updated: %date% %time%</div>

      <div id="side-bar">

      <!-- ##### Left Sidebar ##### -->

      <div class="leftSideBar">
        <p class="sideBarTitle">Temperature</p>
		<div style="color: blue; font-size: 80%; text-align: right;">%tempchangelasthour% /hr</div></li>
	<li>  <img src="conditionscolour.jpg" width="160" height="35" alt="conditionscolour"/></li>
	<li>High:<br/>%maxtemp% @ %maxtempt%</li>
          <li>Low:<br/>%mintemp% @ %mintempt%</li>
	<li>Feels like:<br/>%THSW% &deg;C</li>

        <p class="sideBarTitle">Humidity</p>
          <li>Current: %hum% %</li>
          <li>High:<br/>%highhum%% @ %highhumt%</li>
          <li>Low:<br/>%lowhum%% @ %lowhumt%</li>
	  <li>Dew point:<br/>%dew% </li>

        <p class="sideBarTitle">Pressure</p>
          <li>Current: %baro% 
			<div style="color: blue; font-size: 80%; text-align: right;">%trend%</div></li>
          <li>High:<br/>%highbaro% @ %highbarot%</li>
          <li>Low:<br/>%lowbaro% @ %lowbarot%</li>

        <p class="sideBarTitle">Wind</p>
          <li>Current: %avgspd% %dirlabel%</li>
          <li>Gust: %gstspd% %dirlabel%</li>
          <li>Max: %maxgst% %maxgstdirectionletter%</li>
	<li>(Max: %todaygustspeedinkmh% kmh)</li>

        <p class="sideBarTitle">Rain:</p>
          <li>Today: %dayrn% @ %timeoflastrain%</li>
          <li>Yest: %ystdyrain%</li>
          <li>Month: %monthrn%</li>
          <li>Year: %yearrn%</li>

        <p class="sideBarTitle">Sun</p>

        <div class="picfc"><img border="0" src="sunicon.jpg" width="104" height="72" alt="Sun"></img></div>

        <div class="sideBarText">
          Rise: %sunrise%
          Set: %sunset%

        <p class="sideBarTitle">Moon</p>

        <div class="picfc"><img border="0" src="moonicon.gif"  alt="%moonage%"></img></div>

        <div class="sideBarText">
          Rise: %moonrise%
          Set: %moonset%

        <p class="sideBarTitle">Links</p>

        <div class="sideBarText"> 
	<!-- ##### Side Links you can add/edit ##### -->	
<a href="http://www.weather-display.com/" title="Weather Display">Weather Display Web site</a><br/>


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 <p class="sideBarTitle">Other data</p>
	<li>Max gust last 7 days: %maxgustweek% kts, on %maxgustweekday%</li>
	<li>Max temp last 7 days: %maxtempweek% &deg;C, on %maxtempweekday%</li>
	<li>Min temp last 7 days: %mintempweek% &deg;C, on %mintempweekday%</li>
	<li>Diff in av temp last 24 hrs: %last24houravtempclimatediff% &deg;C</li>

<li>Wettest curr month on record: %wettestcurrmonth% </li>

<li>Driest curr month on record: %driestcurrmonth% </li>
        <p class="sideBarTitle">Validation</p>
        <span class="sideBarText">This page is XHTML 1.0 compliant. Validate the <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">XHTML</a> and <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a> of this page.


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	<h2>Last 24 Hours</h2> 
	<img src="curr24hourgraph.gif" alt="Last 24 hours"></img>
	<br />
	<h2>Auto Scale graphs</h2> 
	<img src="autoscalewindbaro.gif" alt="barometer graph"/>
	<img src="autoscaletemphum.gif" alt="temp/humidity graph" />

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<p style="text-align:center;">

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        Copyright &copy; 2010, Weather display |  
          <a href="http://www.weather-display.com" title="Powered by Weather Display">Weather Display v%wdversion%</a> | 
        Site template by
          <a href="http://www.carterlake.org" title="Template by Carterlake.org">CarterLake.org</a> and <a href="http://capmex.biz/resources/designs-by-haran" title="Haran">Haran</a><br />
      <br class="doNotPrint" />Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet.<br class="doNotPrint" />

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